Saturday 27 November 2010

I still live my life vicariously through Blink lyrics.

You know that moment when you listen to a song and it transports you back, so vividly, to a moment in time?  That's my favourite feeling in the entire world. It doesn't matter what the memory, I just find it fascinating that even the simplest of songs have the power to evoke such emotions. Every time I hear My Chemical Romance's 'In the end' I'm fifteen, riding the U-Bahn in Berlin; every time I hear Leonard Cohen's 'Hallelujah' it's 3am on Christmas morning and I'm telling someone I love them when I don't mean it, every time I hear Lightspeed Champion's 'Midnight Surprise', I'm getting rejected from Oxford University. The list continues, of course.

I've never understood people who don't like music. In fact, I'd go as far as to say I despise people who aren't passionate about music. I'd never judge a person for what kind of music they were into, just so long as they have an appreciation of music in some form or another.  I recently titled one of my blogs 'without music, life would be a mistake', in case you don't know, this is a quotation from Friedrich Nietzsche. In my mind, never has a truer word been spoken.

Like the rest of the world, I booked tickets to see Blink 182 the other day.  I've been waiting for this moment for years, as they literally were my teens, encapsulated into one band - obviously this is the same for pretty much everyone I know, hence worldwide hysteria. I look back all those years, when I used to listen to their songs, on repeat, for months on end, empathising with every single lyric, of every single song, and nothing's really changed.  I still listen to their songs; think I'm actually Tom DeLonge; and spend my days wishing my life was still filled with the teen angst of 'Down' and 'Carousel'.  This is why I'm so excited; so I can whine about my woes in such an embarrassing fashion and it be acceptable because I'm just reminiscing...

I've decided I'm going to start trying to go to more shows. I used to go to so many, now I only ever go to ones I really want to go to, and waste my nights out in grimey clubs playing trashy chart music. Don't get me wrong, I love a bit of dodgy RnB as much as the next person, but I do miss going to live gigs. I also miss MySpace, if only for the music. Lately I've just been listening to the same music, all the time, to the point where I don't even listen to new releases from my favourite bands and artists anymore, which is shameful.  So yeah, someone take me to some good gigs, lend me some CDs, or just hook me up with some new music to listen to - I'm starting to become one of the people I hate.

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