Sunday 4 October 2009

Rowing mainly.

Surprise surprise, I've failed to update this recently, therefore I have much to report from the last week and a half - it has been mad, I've done so many things that I'd never normally do and that have thrown me so far out of my 'comfort zone'. However, the most important event in my view is my new found interest in Rowing.

Monday was my first day back in Uni and I started my new job on Tuesday, which I was dreading and was terrified but it was so good and everyone was so friendly. After work Dannie dragged me to a meeting for the Rowing club - anyone who knows me well knows how much this is not my thing AT ALL and how ridiculous it is that I'd even go to a meeting. However, I sat through it and actually thought, you know what? I'm going to row.

This morning I woke up early for my first session on the water absolutely petrified. I had no trainers, no clothes even remotely sporty and 10 minutes before I was due to leave was sat on the end of my bed practically weeping, thinking everybody would bully me, that I'd fall in the water and that I'd hate every second of it. A few moments later I spotted my copy of 'Yes Man' and I thought come on R.B. woman up, even if you are wearing all the wrong clothes surely it would be a good idea to show your face and get to know people. So I went. I spotted some fellow rowers on the walk from my house to the Brookhouse who assured me my clothes were fine (although this same chap told me he was petitioning for a 'bright and tight' outfit for the girls which made me somewhat uneasy) and for those who know anything about rowing the shoes are already in the boat. Met some really great people and everyone was so friendly and encouraging even though I was pretty dire. Being out on the water was incredible: sublime weather, really picturesque (once Runcorn was out of sight) and although I am an absolute novice I wasn't made to feel like that as it was such a friendly crew. Circuit training tomorrow and AU night on Wednesday should be pretty sweet.

One of the best days I've had in ages and who knows, next year I might not just be boozing at Henley :D

Peace x

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